Always use a light touch and do not use degrain or denoise plug-ins too heavily.You’ll have to deal with hovering over still images for this article. Note: I created really nice examples and uploaded them to YouTube but what I found is that the compression of streaming video makes it extremely difficult to show noise reduction. Temporal filtering tends to give motion artifacts and should be used very lightly. Temporal filtering will use the frames before and after to average noise. Spatial filtering analyzes the footage frame by frame, using the whole frame. There are two types of denoise filtering: spatial and temporal. Noise is a big problem with footage shot in low light and DV footage. Where do noise and grain come from? In film, it’s naturally occurring. In video, it’s referred to as noise, while in film it’s called grain. In film, sometimes grain sets the mood and gives it a gritty feel, but if you’re trying to match different stocks or you’re mixing film and video sources, you will likely need to remove and match some grain. This article is sort of an update, featuring new plug-ins, all new examples and more information.Ī little clarification.

In my book, Plug-in to After Effects: Third Party Plug-in Mastery, I did a big section in Chapter 14 on noise reduction plug-ins. Noise Industries FxFactory Noise Reduction.CoreMelt C2 Gadget Editors Tools Noise Limiter.Boris Continuum Complete BCC Noise Reduction.After Effects Remove Grain, Add Grain, Match Grain.